


2 min read

Most people say Consistency is the key and I strongly believe in that. Consistency brings you the result that you have been looking for. If I'm asked to talk about Consistency, I will say "consistency is that small thing that you do every day with procrastination".

You should have a goal that you are consistent to achieve. I chose to talk about consistency today because any moment from now, I should obtain crazy blogger badge. I started This challenge on Monday 13th of February, 2023 and dropped the pen today Sunday 19th of February, 2023. I published Seven articles in Seven days (can't believe this ๐Ÿ˜ฒ) You can check my blogs to know more...

This crazy blogger challenge has taught me to be consistent and also given me the courage that I can achieve any goal as far as I'm consistent towards it. Although there are many ups and downs along the way but consistency wins the race.

Sometimes I got stuck on what to write but the will of consistency keep me moving.

What this challenge taught me in the words is that 'Keep on Pushing'

Let me take a break now because of the excitement. I'm now back in the space, expecting more articles from me every week. I did this one then I can do better than that.

Thanks for reading Till the End

Meet me in the next article Next Week.

Stay tuned! and Stay Blessed.
